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A Friday Off


I love a Holiday when the whole family can be home together, just kind of doing their own thing but still together. My kids are off of school obviously and my hubby doesn't have to work. He is playing video games at the moment. He gets the chance and takes it and I don't mind at all as long as I get my time later. We all need to do our own thing sometimes. Still it is important to get some time together. It's pretty easy to eventually just get into a sort of monotonous routine and barely say hello in passing even in the same house. That can have very negative effects on a relationship in the long run. Trust me, I know. We really did sort of just get into a routine and I think to a certain degree took each other for granted. My hubby and I of course. Whether you are in a fairly new relationship or one that has lasted for years you have to make time for each other and not out of obligation either. Enjoy each other. Allow yourself to be flirty, lovey and act like it's all new. Make sure your spouse or significant other KNOWS what they mean to you. Don't assume anything. I can't wait for some good quality time with my husband tonight. It's always best once all the kids are tucked safely in their beds and I can lie down with his arms wrapped around me. It's my favorite time of day.


    hi friend, am dropping ec back. Take care!


    On April 11, 2009 at 1:36 PM Anonymous said...

    My god-mom and I were talking about a similar subject this morning. She and my god-father have been married for 41 years ... it's really amazing to watch how they relate to each other have all these years.


    It's always good to spend quality time together and not take each other for granted. Hope you enjoyed the long weekend.


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