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I Had to Keep it There


I loved my husband's last post so much I decided to just let it stay at the top for a few days. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt my husband is in love with me and more thankful I think for me than he ever has been. I have always known many things about my husband. First and foremost he is a hard worker and he does what it takes to provide for his family. He learned that from his dad I think. It's a quality I have always admired and loved about my husband. He is respectful and kind to pretty much everyone. He is the guy who holds open the door and pulls out your chair. He just is and always has been. He is not the player type of guy that I think many imagine when they think of a situation like we have been through. It's just not him. It never was. I think that was actually in some ways what hurt him because he wasn't used to having someone pretty much throw their self on him.

I have been with him a very long time and when you have been with a person for so long I think you start to wonder if you still have it. You can't help but wonder if others would want to date you or if you are still sexy, attractive and desirable. He has always been to me. I tell him all the time how handsome I think he is and I mean it. I look at his face and see love and just my entire life..right there in his eyes. I see myself growing old with him. I see us being the perfect couple from this day forward. Our relationship was so strong and good before he went on the road. Yes we had our issues as any other couple on the planet does, but even those issues are resolved now. I think we really are stronger than before. I am upset that this thing happened but I am glad we are where we are. Each day just makes us that much stronger I think.


    hey both of you ^^ simply love your blog, it's nice to know that my bf and i are not the only couples with issues...let's work hard tgt! :D

    On March 15, 2009 at 4:54 PM Anonymous said...

    I am glad to see that you two are working to get beyond this. It sounds like both of you want this to work and both see, and feel, for each others feelings. So many times in this world, couples just seem to call it quits for so little. I am by no means calling your situation a little one, quite the contrary, but to know that you are willing to work through it, gives great hope to many.



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